Harnessing Global Manufacturing, Industrial Equipment and SuppliesHarnessing Global Manufacturing, Industrial Equipment and Supplies

About Me

Harnessing Global Manufacturing, Industrial Equipment and Supplies

Welcome to my blog on manufacturing. I'm Carl Simpson. Ever since the financial crisis of 2008, I have been interested in finding ways to improve the economy. This has led me to major in economics when I enrolled as a college student in 2012 and it has also motivated me to start this blog. I believe that a strong manufacturing sector is the foundation of a healthy economy, so I've focused primarily on the global economics of manufacturing. I have devoted my time to finding ways in which manufacturing industries can remain competitive while simultaneously improving the living standards of their workers. I hope you will gain insight into how you can improve the competitiveness of your own business.

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Installation Tips For Your Clamp Together Ducting

If you have just purchased a house, you might have noticed that the hot air from the furnace or other method of heating does not reach all of the rooms in your home due to a faulty duct system. You might take it upon yourself to reinstall the ducts and have chosen clamp together ducting as your method of choice, due to the fact that it's relatively easy to install even if you are not a professional HVAC specialist. Here are some tips in order to make sure that the installation process goes as smoothly as possible.

1. Utilize a Duct System With Nipples

First, you are going to want to make sure that you choose the right clamp together duct system. The best ones for a do-it-yourselfer -- who maybe doesn't have the saws needed to cut the ends of the ducts as cleanly as is necessary -- are duct systems that have adjustable nipples. An adjustable nipple is essentially a larger ring that holds two pieces of pipe together, regardless of whether or not they have been cut to exact specifications. It can essentially even out any inconsistencies that you might have without causing any problems. Nipples will make the process of actually putting together your piping much more manageable.

2. Lay Out Your Duct System On the Ground First

Before you start hanging your ducts or removing any of the old duct materials, you are going to want to make sure that you have an idea of exactly how your duct system is going to function once it is installed. The easiest way to do this is to lay out your ducts on the ground in a format that is going to mirror how they are going to be installed. This will allow you to move pieces around, change joint types, and essentially get the best fit for your house without having to de-clamp any pieces. You also reduce the chances that you are going to need to redo the process by laying it out on the ground ahead of time.

3. Pre-stretch the Clamps

The clamps are designed to hold large pieces of metal together and therefore have a very tight fit. In order to ensure that you don't struggle when you try to put two different pieces of pipe together, pre-stretch the clamps so that they go on more easily.

For more information, talk to a company that specializes in providing clamp together ducting.